Tuesday, November 15, 2005

White Roof Radio

I admit it... MINIs have made me download MP3s and burn them to CDs.

About 1 and 1/2 months ago, I discovered a podcast named White Roof Radio, aka the Woofcast. A podcast is a home grown radio show transmitted via the internet through iTunes or available for download. The show is hosted by db, Todd, and Gabe, and each week they cover MINI news, events, and other topical information. White Roof Radio is well produced, and the hosts do a great job keeping the show entertaining from week to week and preventing to content from becoming stale.

I download the weekly show Sunday night, burn a CD, and listen to the Woofcast while driving to and from work not in a MINI. I've posted comments about the show, voted for it on podcast rating sites, and even entered myself as a "listener" on the frapper map. I may not have a MINI, but I can live vicariously through MINI owners who have taken their enthusiasm to a whole new level.

Someday, I'll be able to listen to my archived Woofcasts in my MINI, but for now I'm satisfied to commute to work and dream of bulldog stances, supercharger wines, boots, and bonnets with a smile.

Motor on!!

Friday, November 11, 2005


I admit it. I'm a MINI Poseur. I don't have a MINI Cooper... yet. I want one. I want one very badly. I know that I will get one, but not as soon as I'd like. Possibly in two or three years at the earliest. So, what does a MINI-obsessed person do while he waits? Go absolutely crazy.

I know it is not good to obsess over something, especially something which cannot be realized for several years. There is so much that will happen in the coming years that I don't want to overlook while waiting impatiently. I have a son and wife who I love very much. There is so much time to spend with them which I don't need to spend consumed with something I don't have. Obsession can rot you from the inside, making you overlook the things which are more important.

So how can I handle this? By making fun of myself. Perhaps that is taking the obsession too far as well, but it will be entertaining to any who happen across this blog. I want to keep things in perspective and realize that I must wait. Though this blog I'll reveal some of the great MINI resources I've found and have bookmarked. :)

First up: MINI USA. If you haven't discovered it, welcome! The best part of the site is the Configurator. Build a MINI; save a MINI; retrieve a MINI. This is locale number one for the prospective MINI owner. Make sure to sign up for brochures from MINI. I did shortly after the new MINI was released in the United States and received a nice little book about Motoring. I haven't received anything else in the years since. :| Maybe I'll get some new brochures when the redesign happens in 2007.

Well, that's it for a first post. There is a lot more to come. Stay Tuned and Happy Motoring!