Friday, November 11, 2005


I admit it. I'm a MINI Poseur. I don't have a MINI Cooper... yet. I want one. I want one very badly. I know that I will get one, but not as soon as I'd like. Possibly in two or three years at the earliest. So, what does a MINI-obsessed person do while he waits? Go absolutely crazy.

I know it is not good to obsess over something, especially something which cannot be realized for several years. There is so much that will happen in the coming years that I don't want to overlook while waiting impatiently. I have a son and wife who I love very much. There is so much time to spend with them which I don't need to spend consumed with something I don't have. Obsession can rot you from the inside, making you overlook the things which are more important.

So how can I handle this? By making fun of myself. Perhaps that is taking the obsession too far as well, but it will be entertaining to any who happen across this blog. I want to keep things in perspective and realize that I must wait. Though this blog I'll reveal some of the great MINI resources I've found and have bookmarked. :)

First up: MINI USA. If you haven't discovered it, welcome! The best part of the site is the Configurator. Build a MINI; save a MINI; retrieve a MINI. This is locale number one for the prospective MINI owner. Make sure to sign up for brochures from MINI. I did shortly after the new MINI was released in the United States and received a nice little book about Motoring. I haven't received anything else in the years since. :| Maybe I'll get some new brochures when the redesign happens in 2007.

Well, that's it for a first post. There is a lot more to come. Stay Tuned and Happy Motoring!

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